Many People… One Nation
Although you’ll find a blend of many cultures here, the following are key traditions and influences:

Garifuna culture is one of the most interesting in Belize, a combination of African and Caribe Indian. The village of Hopkins, Dangriga and Seine Bight, Punta Gorda and Barranco contain Garinagu people whose Garifuna language contains elements of African, Indian, Spanish, French and English.
The heritage of a large portion of Belizeans, and a common second language.
The customs of the Mestizo are a perfect blend of Spanish customs as well as those of the Maya. The Mestizos make up approximately 50% of the Belize population.
Mayan people have lived in Belize since 1200 B.C. Even though the great cities of Mayan civilization were abandoned centuries ago, the Maya never left Belize. Mayan villages can still be found in the Cayo District to the west and the Toledo District in the south.
Mennonites fled Europe to escape religious persecution in the 1920s. Their cornfields flourish in the Orange Walk District, and horses and buggies driven by fair-haired men in bib overalls and straw hats can be seen throughout the country.